The Room Block
The Room Block
Betting on Yourself to Grow Your Career, with Deanna Nwosu

After more than 2 decades working in the hospitality and events industry, Deanna Nwosu chose to step out on her own during the pandemic. Today, she is Founder and Event Strategist at Deanna Camille, which assists organizations with all aspects of virtual and in-person events. What makes somebody take the uncertain step of becoming a solopreneur during such an uncertain time for the events industry? Deanna has the answers, and they all come down to a deep trust in, and knowledge of, yourself. If you’re somebody who loves being challenged, takes immense pride in your work, and isn’t afraid to bet on yourself then Deanna Nwosu is somebody you should know. A perfect storm led to the creation of Deanna Camille; let this episode show you that planting even the tiniest of seeds can eventually yield the most fruitful results. 

Deanna Nwosu is a hostess at heart. This led to her career in event planning which allows her to coordinate countless opportunities to connect with clients, vendors and stakeholders across all social strata. With more than 20 years of customer service related work, taking care of clients, members and attendees is second-nature and the driving force behind her work.

A CMP since 2017, and a DES recipient, Deanna is also an active member of Meeting Professionals International, serving on the RISE Awards committee globally, and the Director of Marketing for the Ohio chapter.  In 2020 she launched offering event industry strategy, public speaking and emcee services.

As a mom of two girls and born and bred Ohio girl, Deanna is always dreaming of a beach vacation.

Follow Deanna on Instagram @deannacamille20

Listen to the Experience Junkies Podcast